red algae


I have red algae growing on my devils hand and I think thats the reason that its not opening up, I pull away the red algae and it looks like i'm pullin some of the skin off the leather, is there any other way for me to remove the algae from my leather.


New Member
Are you sure it is red algae.
Leathers will shed, if your not sure it may just be the nature of the coral, if it is shedding that is a good thing.
If it is red algae, check all your params and post them, also a water change may be in order. Always use R.O water, alot of red algae occurs from the use of tap water.


Yeah, i know the cause of the red algae is my use of tap water, but i don't have an ro unit, nor can i afford one at the moment, I didn't know they shed, but it definetly is red algae, cause it looks the same as what is growing on my sand.


you could attemp to siphon the algea off of the leather, also you can buy RO/DI water from Walmart for 33 cents its called drinking water with the green label, also check your phosphates as they are the leading cause to red algea.