red algae


Active Member
EM tabs, if its red slime algea, or red hair algea. Erithromycn is the actual name. 1 tab per 10 gals, 24 to 48 hours later do water change. Observe for any left over cyano, if so repeat dosage along with another water change. Should be all gone after second dose, may be gone after 1st.


i would personally never add any chemicals.The reason you have algae is either you have phosphates from not using research grade carbon,you arent doing a 20% water change every week,overfeeding,if you use frozen foods you must strain the food out after you thaw it and get rid of the juice,the juice is like fertalizer to algae,or your levels are off.I would never add any type of chemical to a tank unless it is a quarantine tank and even then im skeptical.a smart caveman once said water changes good chemicals bad.Take anthony calfos adivce and dont use chemicals!!!!


Active Member
Actually it not really an algea its a bacteria that forms on algea and promotes more bacteral spores which is why it has a tendency to spread. Taking the algea out will never get rid of the bacteria only treatment for it will. EM tabs have been used for years in controling and eliminating red slime algea. I just did it to my tank all is well. :joy:


IF that is true perfect then my tank is a miracle tank.It has tons of cyno and hair algae.I learned to take discipline in feeding my tank and taking care of it and the problems ''Magically'' went away lol.Read more is all i have to say


Active Member
just because you dont see it doesnt mean its not there you may have gotten rid of it for a while and miraculously you can get an out break of it again at any time. Bacterial spores exist every where even using EM tabs doesnt guarantee that its gone for ever but its def alot quicker that all that other stuff. And until I see conclusive evidence to the contrary I heed the advise of the marine biologists at my lfs more than what just has worked for others as you can never be sure of all the factors of someone elses tank. But science proves to give the best conclusions based on fact. By all means I am not saying that your method doesnt work. But it is a fact that you havent eliminated all the spores. It is just under control lets not forget thats the end result we are all tying to get to here. The method that we use is to do this soley based on your prefrence. IMO


we can sit an argue all day back and forth.My main point is how many aquaculture facilities do you see with cyno or hair algae?none,because they have the knowledge and discilpine to control it.I have seen tanks that have been up for 7+ years and have had 1 algae outbreak,then magically nothing.Call it what you will but i call good aquariology discipline!