red algae


I have red algae in my tank! Not sure what to use to get rid of it.
50 gallon
13 astrea snails
5 turbo
purple tang
marron/gold clown
bi-color basslet
6line wrasse
yellow damsel
50# live rock
some corals
ro water
nitrate 12.5
ammonia 0
lights stay on for 12 hours only. jbj compacts


i had it too. i used an anti-bacterial med you can buy at any lfs
and i used it with all my hermits in the tank. they are all fine, don't think i had any snails in the tank at that time. but put a couple of mex turbo snail in there they are great. 2 keep my 55
free of all algae. get some other opinions about using med with critters in the tank though. they will probably tell you no way. i did and all are fine, thats my expirence. i just noticed that yo0u have lr and some corals, better get some better advice i'm just a rookie


I found that my ALK was down and Phos was up. The first thing I did was pull as much out of the tank by hand as possible then straighten out the ALK and Phos. Took about a week and hasn't come back since.
try and do water changes and see how old the filters on your RO filter are, they might need to be changed. I would be careful about the med solution with the corals.


My fighting conch loves the stuff. nibbles on it all the time. Hopefully it will be gone soon. Just my .02 cents worth.