Red Alge Growth


the worst two that I can think of is excessive feeding and over lighting, perhaps even bad bulbs that promote algae gwroth, look on the bulb box to see if there is a large spike in the red zone on the chart. Maybe the rock came with algae and it is spreading, possibly because it was at the fish store to long. Lastly what kind of water are you using. when you use tap water you are open to more algae problems, maybe switch to RO water. good luck


Active Member
High nitrates.
High phosphates.
Low pH.
Poor water circulation allowing dead spots in tank.
As mentioned - old bulbs or bulbs of the wrong spectrum, and overfeeding ( which can lead to high nitrates and high phosphates ).
Longer than required lighting period.
Using poor quality carbon that has phosphates.
Using tap water that contains phosphates/nitrates.
Overdosing some additives.
Excessive CO2 carbon dioxide - again poor circulation.
Allowing excess food or detritus to accumulate on substrate.
Allowing mechanical filter elements to become entrapped and dirty with waste.
Basically - the place to start is by testing your tank water and your freshwater for nitrates & phosphates.