Red Algea??


Active Member
What is red algea and what causes it, and what can i do to get rid of it. I went to clean a tank tonight , one that i help take care of , and its got red algea in several places. Thae tank is about 3 yrs old, very established. help!! thanx Todd


I had red cyano (red slime) and I used Chemi-Clean and it went away after a few doses. It is reef safe


Active Member
It was a sticky. It was a good post. Right now im fighting a small but a headache of a battle I think you all know it "hair algea". I cut back my lights but my stupid water is fueling it right now. I cut back my lights to 4 hours for around 4 or 5 days and today I bumped them up to 6. Once I get my filter for my water it should help. And I plan on getting a little bit more of a cleanup crew so that will help to.
Im glad to help blemmy anytime.


in your avatar, what kind of damsel is that? I have one, and for the sake of me I cannot remeber the name of it or find it anywhere!


Active Member
There really pretty but they will eventually turn black. Bluefin Damselfish, Black Damselfish, Bowtie Damselfish, Yellow-back Damsel, and Royal Damsel.
As a juvenile, it is very attractive, with a gray body highlighted by bright yellow dorsally and blue pectoral fins. As the fish matures, it becomes uniformly black.
It should only be kept with other large aggressive species. Only one Bluefin Damselfish should be kept per aquarium, unless it is very large. It may be a threat to shrimp, and may nip at soft corals.


Yes, thats the name, thanks. I have one in my tank and can never remember its name. I know it will turn black as it gets older, thats ok, I was willing to have that occur eventually since I liked it so much as a juvenille. By the time it gets bigger and uglier Ill have a 200+ tank so it wont matter lol.
Cool, thanks for the id