Red Ball Sponges


New Member
I need a little advice. I purchased a red ball sponge two weeks ago and when I got it the color was a nice red. Since putting into my tank the color has changed to a tan. The pores have opened up and you can see red down in the pores, about 1/4" into them. The coral is on the bottom of a 125 reef and is in flow of medium current. Do I need to do something to get the red back or is this normal? :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
Sponges can be tricky. Can not expose them to air. If you did the water drains out and the air gets traped in them. You should squeez the air out. They are filter feeders and should feed them phytoplankton and blow any crap off of them when it builds up cause it stops them from being able to pump water thru themselfs. Dont know if any of this helps.


New Member
I have fed this sponge phytoplankton once a week by directing it from a squeeze bottle. Also there is twice weekly feedings for the other corals in the tank. I don't believe it was exposed to air as the color was good at first. Thanks for the reply
Wayne :thinking: