Red Breasted Wrasse



Anyone have experience with the Red Breasted Wrasse? What are they like as far as personality? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
They are usually pretty timid and cryptic at introduction, and they slowly become bolder with time. Personality wise, they are pretty similar to a Harlequin Tusk, maybe not quite as active of swimmer, but a larger fish overall. As with most large wrasses, if the tank is too small, they'll hide most of the time. Keep in mind the Cheilinus genus of wrasses, also includes the Humphead/Napoleon wrasse, one of the largest reef fish on the planet. Red Breasts stay smaller then Broomtails or TripleTails (the other two common Cheilinus besides the Snooty wrasse), but still get 15", and unlike a Lunare or Sunset, they are much more heavy bodied, no so torpedo, more like a Snapper.
I have read a few large Cheilinus's
that have been terrors, so try to look for a younger fish or a smaller adult. Tankmates are kind of tough, at intro, they can easily be bullied, but anything too small might be a meal. Snappers, Puffers, Hinds, etc, make good tankmates, generally fish that keep to themselves. They usually do fine with other species of wrasses, but care ought to be given if attempting.
I believe 95harley had a Broomtail wrasse. If he doesn't response PM him here, or on the another fish board.


Thanks. I saw a beautiful one at my LFS, about 5" and I was wondering if it'd be good for my 125gal which right now has only a Foxface and a very peaceful Goldentail eel. My 150 is fully stocked but I'd like to add something to the 125 because the poor Foxface looks really lonely by itself.


Active Member
LOL, if I ever find a Tripletail wrasse, I'm driving down to Orlando, picking up my 125 in storage, and setting that up for my Burrfish and the Tripletail. Cheilius wrasses are very cool fish.
Sorry for the last response, did you pick him up?