red bugs ?


so i have a fellow reefer offering me some coral because hes taking his tank down. hes got red bugz. my question is if take some lr from him will the bugz die as i have no coral in the tank. i do have a rbta though. also he wants me to take some of his coral but im hestiant because of these red bugs. any info would be great.


Active Member
Red bugs will only survive if you have Acropora coral in your tank. They feed off the flesh of Acro's. So if you get LR from him and you have no coral in your tank....they should die off in a few weeks.
Also, the coral can very easily be treated before you add it to your tank using Interceptor.


Active Member
Do a google search for red bugs....there are some other sites that give you exact instructions on how to use the interceptor to get rid of them.


Well-Known Member

Just a warning...I personally know nothing of red bugs...however I have seen lots of new folks think they know what they are describing.
So just is case...your red bugs could be flat worms...they breed uncontrollably and will infect the whole be certain it isn't flat worms.


Active Member
I agree with Flower that some people think they have one thing when it is in fact another. There are several different types of flat worms, but only one type of red bugs that I know of.
There are clear flat worms which aren't of much concern. There are red flatworms which can become a problem. And then there are Acro Eating flatworms that are the worst flatworm you can have!! The acro eating worms you cannot see while they are on the coral.
Red Bugs look like small yellow specks with a red dot that are visible on the coral. Do a goolge search and you will get pictures of all of these. Red Bugs are the easier pests to eradicate.