Red Coris Wrasse and Trigger

fish fever

I found a red coris wrasse in the LFS and really want to get that for my 95g. I have a valentini puffer, 3 green chromis, a giant hermit crab and 3 turbo snail in the tank now. Is it OK to add a red coris wrasse and a huma huma trigger? If I can add these two fish, I am done with the stocking. Hope you can give me some advise.


No to the RedCorsis.A 6' long tank from 135-180GL is what you will need to house this fish through adulthood.Add the Hummu at a small size,and the possibility for the Chromis to be murdered is always there.The little puffer should be good with the Hummu they seem to be a very compatible pair.Your clean up crew is at a small jeapordy but the big hermit should be alright, but you never know.