red coris wrasse


i would eventually like to have a few corals in my bigger tank once of course i get a skimmer and upgrade the lights and all that fun stuff. i have a red coris wrasse which i have been told was reef safe at my lfs but i have also heard they are not reef safe. any information is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I hope I am talking about the same fish. 99% sure that I am. I bought one of these on impulse days. I have found that in the wild they grow to be up to 18" long. Also their coloration completely changes. I have worked it out with a local aquarium that I will donate to them. He does not pick at the reef, but he sure gives the hermit crabs a bad time. Do a Google search and get some more information.


He shouldn't harm your corals, but he will go after shrimp, crabs, snails ect. They also barrow in the sand at night and could topple over rocks and coral if not secure. HTH


he is still in the juv stage only about 2.5" long right now. I have also read that they will grow into the 14-18" range. i do have a 4" sand bed. I have about 16" of my tank that i left with just sand and he usually will barrow over there. currently he is to small be able to eat any of my shrimp but i'm sure that will change with time and as he gets bigger. he is going to be moved into a bigger tank in alittle over a year. so maybe i will just wait till then. thanks for all the info


He cannont be kept with any invert, that is what he would have fed on in the wild. As long as all rocks are securely resting on the bottom (learnt that from my goby) and he is in a FISH only tank