Red Coris??


Active Member
They swim quite a bit. However, they are not a very hardy wrasse and usually does not get along with other types of wrasses. The lunare is a much hardier species of wrasse.


Active Member
No, I wouldn't recommend both unless you have a huge tank (probbaly a 240 minimum). Both are very active species and will fight for food constantly. I would go with the lunares. I think they are nicer fish, plus they are much hardier as well.


Active Member
Not a hardy fish and it does not have a good survival rate in the home aquarium.
They need to be shipped in oversize bags and some even recommend thay be shipped with planty sand in the bag. Not sure how common this recommendation is but I do recall reading this. This will SLIGHTLY increase the chance of survival.
Some have told me I am wrong but I'll stick with this opinion.


Now I usually don't say anything and don't take me as being an expert. I had both, The coris was a great fish, when a typhoon came though I had to drain my 100 gallon tank and left nothing but 2 inches of water in it for three days with no pumps or air stone. "there was no electricity." he stayed under the sand the whole time, came out later when I put water back in the tank, great fish, he was store bought, the Lunare I caught, he was more aggresive, but with equal food they both got along fine. The coris was better looking to me. so my tank is a 100 gallon's, and both lived fine, I let them go into the ocean, for room to catch other fish.. Well good luck with your choice...