Red Cyano Outbreak



I have a 24 gal aquapod that is about 2 months old now. I heve recently gotten a red cyano outbreak. I do a 20% water change every week and I only add RO water when I top off. No fish yet, just a couple of zoo frags and a torch coral. Should I cut back on the lights? They are th pc lights and i run them 12 hours a day.
Thanks for any help.


That make a solution "Red Slime Remover". I would recommend trying that, believe you do a water change a few days off. Also, I would try to turn the lights back to aroud ten hours. Hope that helps.


It is probably just a matter of needing to increase flow. You could also try adding some kind of chemical resin that removes nitrates and phosphates, but your first step should probably be to try and direct more flow to the affected areas. That will usually clear it up if your water quality is good.