Red cyanobacteria


How Do I get rid of this stuff? Doing partial water changes, decreased feedings, and still no luck, any ideas please let me know.


you answered your own question.
First you know that cyano is an indicator of nutrient problems in your water. Use it for what its worth. Find out what, where, and why and correct this first. Be it over feeding, no nutrient export, too many fish, what ever the case maybe. To get rid of cyano you must solve this problem.
So w/ that said cyanobacteria is bacteria, which means you can eliminate it antibiotics. so i tell you that you can get a red slime algae remover (which is erythomycin) treat the tank for the required # of days and then remove the med (water changes and carbon). One concern w/ treating the tank is of course wiping out some of your biofiltration. So keep an eye on the water chemistry while treating.
Lastly, unless you eliminate the nutirnet problem, your cyano will come back.
enuf for now


water movement is also a big thing too. do you have any powerheads in your tank? if so then try to move them so you are getting better movement of water near the areas with the cyano. if not then by some. you really do not want to have any "dead" areas in your tank with little or no water movement.


Active Member
i had the same problem. throw a few snails in and you're good to go. get i have 2 big ones about 4-6 inches each. and 31 small ones and i see no cyno. my tank is 180 gallons. so adjust however many you are getting to your size tank.


i found this thread by researching inquiries about the red slime crap. i got it too and came across the slime eliminating stuff @ the feesh store tonight. thought i'd see what you all had to say about it before i bought it.
according to you guys, it's a short-term fix. apparently over-feeding could be a problem. i'm afraid that i'm overfeeding my feesh because i only feed em once a day and it's probably too large amount so i'll try spacing that amount out more.
now most of my red slime is actually on the surface and also IN the sand. i can see it through the glass. is this normal for it?


Staff member
Chemi-Clean works pretty good for me. Cyan is a natural flora but in a captive system it can get out of control.
I have used this product with a greaat deal of success.
Take care that if you use a product to eliminate redslime, that it is not an antibiotic.