Red fish?


Being the fashionable fish keeper that I am.. I think my tank is a little to blue.. I have a blue black ground, blue hippo tang.. 2 yellow tailed damsels (mostly blue) and a bird nose wrasse (greenish blue), plus purple corralline on all the live rocks.. and a marine glo bulb (controversial) that is totally blue.. So what I want is a fish that is really really red.. something about 4".. I realise this is a stupid way to decide on what kind of fish to get... but hey.. what can I do..
I guess Im just feeling a little to blue.. :D :D :D


how about a red fairy wrasse or a flasher wrasse. I'm not too sure about the size of these guys but have seen some pics and they are very RED! The little info that i have read also say they are reef safe. :p


Active Member
red head or exquisite or velvet wrasse, or
hawkfish(several species)
here's an old fav
clownfish? (3 to 6 inches)
or a flame angel


see I like the flame angel.. but I think the wrasse might not like him.. I think the wrasse wont like anyone.. he is the tough guy of the tank.. anyone kept 2 wrasse' together??


Active Member
ok then, how about a maroon and gold clown, or just a maroon clown, they are slightly aggressive, and can normally hold their own


wow the flasher wrasse looks great..
its a bright red and it is solid red.. any thought on having 2 wrasse's together?


I think most wrasse's should be kept 1 per tank .unless very large 150 gal and up..some are stressful to other fish because they are consantly swimming(darting) around the tank and in and out of rock work..I have a lunar wrasse in a 125 and it is very fast, but colorful too...