red hair alage Cyano?


hey guys,i got home from work today and discovered a red hair alage all over the sand bed.i have good flow and havent feed the tank in a couple weeks as there isnt any fish in it.what would cause this to show up overnight?lastinight i did take a turkey baster and used it on all the rock and the rear chambers,think stirring it up caused this?


come on guys i need help with this.this stuff going crazy on the sand actually webs the whole sand bed and when you pick it off alot of sand comes with are a couple pics.



yep cyano...
due to high phosphates, poor water clarity.
do frequent water changes.
siphon the cyano off the substrate. try not to let to much float around once it sticks to something it will continue to grow..
they say reduce lighting will help it go away but doubt it..
astrea snails mexican hermit crabs... and toher cyano eating inverts and cuc..
good luck.... frequent freqent water changes..... could be coming from tap water if you use....add phosban.... or you can straight go with a red slime remover but not to sure which on that case.


i use ro water but have never actually tested it.ive been doing 4-5 gallon water changes every week.this stuff doesnt siphon up to well without getting alot of sand with it.guess i have to do it..


hmmmm ..... get your water tested see where your at.... 4-5 gal water changes might be to much.... well dunno for now but when things get back to normal do 1-2 gallon weekly....
see where your at i researched a little for you and if phosphates are a factor then go ahead and do phosban or chemi pure elite. then go add to your cuc... should do it... read a little more not many people are respondin to this because so many people have had this problem so... im sure if u search it you will find a little more on the issue.


thanks for the research.i have been running chemi pure since ive started and also have a phosepure pad the tank.i do have a couple astrea snails,should i add a few more?.im going to the store tomorrow so ill have to pick up a phosphate test kit.