red hair algae in fuge?


I recently installed a refugium (3 weeks ago).
I got some Chaeto and caulerpa from the local LFS and the caulerpa now seems to have balls of red hair algae mixed in
looks like puffs of red cotton candy.
good? bad? advise?


Yes I have pretty good flow through the macro. The stuff came with the macro, doesnt look like cyano, looks like pink cotton balls. Maybe I should just ditch the macro and get new?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2cold2fish
Yes I have pretty good flow through the macro. The stuff came with the macro, doesnt look like cyano, looks like pink cotton balls. Maybe I should just ditch the macro and get new?
I don't think you need to get rid of it, just take out and rinse, or shake well in a container of salt water. It really sounds like it is the seed for red slime.


Active Member
i agree. shake it or rinse it off. inspect everything before you put it in your tank to reduce the risk of adding anything unwanted or infecting your system.