Red Hair Algae


New Member
Finally got my tank to clear up (thanks for the help on this one), but now I have red hair algae growing from some of my LR and sand bed. What can I get to help clean this up???? I don't remember from my reef keeping days from long ago what I did when I had this problem before.


Active Member
There are several ways to help clear cyano. Make sure you do regular (weekly 10%) water changes in your tank. Cut back the feedings in your tank. I feed every other day. Make sure you rinse your filter sponges (in water from tank) and replace regularly, replace any filter floss and any other prefiltering material you use in your filter with water changes. Protein skimmers can also help with clearing up cyano.
You should get a phosphate test and see what your levels are. If needed you can run a phosphate sponge in your filter (make sure it is saltwater/reef safe).
If all else fails you can buy some red slime remover. This is only a temporary fix as this will only clear the bloom you have now but will not prevent future blooms from occuring. You need to find the root of your problem through process of elemination to rid it for good.