Red Hair Algea..........I don't understand


New Member
I have been getting red hair algea on my rock sand and glass and i can't understand why. I have 8.3ph, 0 amonnia, 0 nitrites , and 10 nitrates. Could it be the 10 nitrates? When i do water chages all i use is RO water, so i dont think it is cause of that. I did add a bag of Nature's Ocean live sand a month ago. I checked my water a few times after adding and it and the water was fine. I DO NOT GET IT! oh yeah also suddenly all of my snails died in my tank. How did that happen? SOMEONE PLEEEEEAAAASE HELP!

rto 29

What is your phosphate level? Alot of times phosphate is conducive to algae growth? I used to have a good bit of green hair algae but I added a squad of mithrax crabs, and they took care of it. Try lowering your phosphates with an additive, and adding some crabs (hermits, mithrax etc...).
Snails seem to die in waves, at least mine always seem to. (2-3 at a time)
Hope this helps a little, but definitly get some more advice. I'm pretty new to this too...