Red legged Hermits (killer crabs!)


Just stocked my tank with maintenance workers and I've never seen such viscious red leggers! I think 1/2 ate each other..strongest survive I guess..interesting, the shrimp get the leftovers, nothing goes to waste.. Blue legs are all hiding:cool:


I had the same thing happen whn I ordered an invert package from Out of the forty hermits (blue and red) one arrived
eaten and within 4 weeks I lost about 12 crabs. Moslty red. I think
they were fighting over shells. Oh well more food for the emeralds, sally and CBS.

jen p

When you order any hermit crabs make sure that you have extra shells lying around your tank for them to grow into or they will die if they do not have a slightly bigger shell to go into. It's actually really fun to watch your hermits search for new shells to occupy.


Active Member
red legs are nasty, that's why they're so cheap. i've found zebra hermits to be fairly aggressive as well. IMO blue legs and scarlets are the most peaceful inhabitants when it comes to hermits. (common hermits).