red macros F/S


Active Member
well, i've had both in a refugium before and the green overpowered and choked out the red.
the caulerpa is just a more aggressive grower.
it's not going to hurt anything to have both in the same area, but i suggest a section specifically for the red algae.
if you want to keep it as a food source, then just use a basket..float it in the sump, and put the red in there.
if you just want some different color in the fuge, it's not going to last i fear. this stuff seems to want to float to the bottom. the caulerpa will block the light from it eventually.


Active Member
it's the same price for everyone. 15 dollars shipped.
the benefit?
well, you can use it as a supplimentary food for your herbivores.
you can also use it as a form of nutrient export in your refugium.
plants benefit from nutrient rich enviornments, so when you have your nutrient rich water flowing through it, the macro will absorb some of the nutrients your skimmer doesn't get.


Active Member
i don't have any more red ogo. your chaeto would have choked it out anyway.
i have plenty of green stuff though!
pods? grab a handful of macros from me, and 2 more handfuls from 2 other reefers in the area. you'll have pods all over the place in a few months. don't buy's a waste.