red rashes on clown


New Member
I have a baby false percula that I've acquired about a week ago. I noticed today that it has red patches near its head and its fins. They kinda look somewhat like how coraline algae grows on a glass, but red, and on the clownfish. In human terms, I would think it's a rash. Is there any particular disease that fits this description and is it contagious?
EDIT: I just checked out Beth's post: Diseased Fish, and it kinda looks like what the yellow tang has under Bacterial infection. I'm not exactly sure that it's the exact appearance.
The tank is 10g with AC70, AC20 for fuge, 1 true percula, and 1 cleaner shrimp.


Staff member
What are your water readings?
It could well be the beginnings of a bacterial infection, however you can't treat this in-tank.


New Member
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
salinity 1.025
ph 8.2
it doesn't seem to be contagious so far, the other clown doesn't seem to be affected by it