Red Sand?????? Please Help


I posted a topic concerning this a week ago but the problem has still persisted. My normally white live sand has a wierd red or orange color growing over the top of it. I didn't think I was over feeding but someone told me overfeeding could be the problem. I do not have a phosphate test kit but if anyone thinks that phosphate's could be the problem then please tell me hoiw to fix it. If you have any other ideas what the deal is PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!
I would appreciate ANY help.
Thanks <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />


Active Member
This is red slime algea it is most likely do to nitrates or phosphates. Do you use RO water. If not this is most likely why you are getting it. There is a product called chemiclean that will clean it up but if you continue to use tap water it will always come back.


Probably red slime..Use ro water for top-offs and run a skimmer if you have one..It is a type of cyanobacteria and can spread very fast..Do a search for cyanobacteria for alot more info..Like the previous post said..Take care of the water pollutants and it should go away...You can treat it with chemicals but if the phosphates are still being added to the water it will always come back


Active Member
Protein skim the he## out of the water and increase flow. Also siphon the stuff out without removing sand if you can.


I am using RO water. What else could be causing it???? If I use the chemiclean and keep using the same RO water will it continue to come back??
Is it harmful at all or is it just unattractive??


Active Member
I would syphen the top layer of sand too...then replace it with clean sand. That could help as well...Only syphen the very top layer where the algae is...hth
Are you sure it is not brown. If sand has any silica in it you will always have a alge coating over it. I Used silica sand once not knowing and my tank had bolloms daily of brown algae. So make sure your sand has no silica in it, Also raise the amount of cal. in your tank.
<img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Active Member
If you pick it up does it come up in sheets or is it loose sand? Do you understand what I am talking about? If it is loose then it may be diatoms but if you say it is red then it is slime algea. You should test your phosphates even if you use RO water. Where do you get the water from?