Red sea max vs 29g biocube


I'm thinking about upgrading my 14g biocube to something larger and i was thinking about the red sea max or the 29g biocube. i just wanted to get people's experiences with both. First off, will the red sea max t5s grow SPS? as far as i can see, that's the only advantage (t5 lighting) red sea has over the biocube.
can the red sea max back chambers be modded into a fuge? that's what i did with the middle chamber on my 14g.
please let me know! thanks!
red sea can do sps from what ive seen and heard but they usually need to be kept towards the top of the tank. Also im pretty positive theres a few mods you can do to change the back chambers.


Active Member
Don't get either... get you a finnex 30 or better.. there's a special right now on the 6bulb T5HO lit 30G tank. They're very nice looking and wellmade.
The red sea lights are not true T5s, they're compact fluorescents but in Europe they're called t5s.. They're not the American T5HOs.


After some research, I would go with the 30 gallon finnex. I think that will be my next setup. I have a 29 Biocube now and might convert it to a frag tank.


I have a 29g bio and while its not a bad tank, it's not the bomb either. I have spent alot of money and time on mods and wished that i'd bought the Finnex or Solana.