Red Sea Max


Is the Red Sea Max a good reef tank to start with? And does anybody know if there are any 55g tanks that come ready like the Red Sea Max?


Active Member
no. well there are 55 with the reef ready which are overflows. but thats it. and yes the red sea max are a good tank to start with. but its tooo much. you can start with the oceanic bio cube 29g. simple and great!


Did you buy the bio cube witht the stand and the protein skimmer? Because I went to my lfs and the price i got for the bio cube was about $600 with the stand and protein skimmer.


Active Member
no i just got the bio cube. and i didnt get the skimmer. and i wont. aslong as you do the proper 5%-10% water change on the bio cube your good. and the redsea alone is like 600.


Interesting, did you make any adjustments to your tank, Im guessing its pretty good, I see many ppl have it on this forum?


Active Member
well yes i made my 2nd chamber into a refugium. you can check out my thread to see it


Active Member
yes. will it doesnt have the overflow. it hangs the hang on think. it brings:
live sand
few lbs of live rock. canopy
75g tank


And the price was $500 correct? What kind of overflow will i need for this tank? This tank would help me accomplish what i want which is a blue hippo tang or yellow tang.
Has the tank been properly kept?


Active Member
yes it has. it had over $7k invested in it. but the tank crash. and the everything you need is included. you dont need another overflow. except one light isnt working which is the 96w actinic. but everything else perfect. and yes $500. i have a yellow tank but idk if my dad will included him


I would have a hard time giving up a yellow tang to!! Since the tank crashed what will I have to do to get it up and running again, does it have a refugium?


Active Member
no it doesnt but you can convert the wet/dry too a refugium. and the tank crash but like 2 months ago. its has been running like that for a while just ghost feeding him. i havent tested the water since. so maybe if you tank the water as well your good. or just start all over.


Active Member
well you have to talk to my dad. but he will lower it. also um whenever you want. maybe today. just give me your number and ill give you a call today