Red Sea Sailfin Tang dieing?!

Well he has now died! :( The problem is I have no idea why?!
Is it possible that a long tentacle anemone could have stung him bad enough to kill him? He liked hanging out in the corner the anemone took hold in.
125 gallon - established over 2 years -- no new fish - some new coral and a long tentacle anemone
Water change was done last week and is done every 2 weeks with RO water
My sailfin tang who is typically very social has become very lethargic over the last 2 days but when I woke up this morning I was sure he was dead! :(
He was upside down under one of the rocks with his eyes closed. I went to net him out and he kind of 'floated' to under another rock.
He is still breathing, slowly, but breathing. All water parameters are good - salinity .22, amonia, nitrate, nitrate = 0, ph 8.3, temp at 82 - water may be a bit warm from the new lights but not too high.
He does not show any sign of disease, no new spots or anything like that
We have 2 powerheads with heavy water movement so I wouldn't think that was a problem
Any ideas?!??! Please?
I just went and checked on him again and he swimming upside down! If he gets caught in the 'current' he just lets it take him and he keeps pointing his head down
Does this mean something is wrong with his swim bladder?


Active Member
yeah its possible its some sort of bladder infection. i would put him in a QT if you have one
hope he gets better


Staff member
There is no telling without specific symptoms. Was he well nourished?
he was very well nourished! He loved mysis shrimp and his algae strips - and was eating normally (twice a day plus the algae in the tank) up until the night before he died
I am leaning toward the anemone, but i don't know!
Very strange!