Red Sea Test Kit Calcium instructions


I have a problem. I have lost my instructions for my calcium test kit. I know you put four drops of A, shake, then five drops of B, then wait 20 seconds, then add one drop of A, then what? And how do I measure the calcium reading. I have the little color card that comes with it, but I lost the instruction booklet. Can someone please help?


I can't help but have you tried contacting Red Sea? When I've had questions about one of their products I e-mailed them and they always responded. HTH


Great idea, thanks. I have done that, but if anyone can help me faster that would be great. I am sure they are closed all day today and tomorrow for the holiday, and I am trying to figure out if my tank needs kalk or more calcium because my corals aren't looking so good. Thanks.


i don't have their calcium test but i do have the am, ni, and trate tests by them.. have u looked on the back of the color card?


Yes, that is what my first post explains. I have the color card but it doesn't tell me how to interpret the results. It tells me how much drops to put of each but it doesn't tell the end result. Like for each B drop is suppose to equal a certain amount of calcium. I hope I explained that right. if someone has the instructions, they will know what I am talking about.


You'll never believe this. I had one tucked away that I've never used. 1)4 ml water 2) 4 drops A 3) shake for 10 sec. 5) 5 drops B
6) shake and wait for 20 sec. color should be pink 7) add one drop A, shake and compare color 8) repeat (7) until color changes (count the drops) 9) add the 4 drops in (2) to the drops in (7,8) and muliply by 50. Answer is in ppm. HTH.


Hmm, i got a little lost at the end when I tried to do it, but maybe I will eventually figure it out. thanks anyway:confused:


Lol....duh, okay i get it finally. Four drops plus how many drops that I had to add at the end times it.


Active Member
What kind of test kit are you using? :confused:
Is it an older one?
I have the Red Sea Calcium Pro test lab 01/05 and the instructions are to add 5 drops of 'A" swirl, then 5 drops "B" swirl/changes color, then it has a syringe to titrate "C" and get a reading off the chart when it changes again.


The instructions that hattrick gave me were correct. i have used the test before but i just misplaced the instructions. I do know that they are correct and my calcium tested to be 350 ppm. Yes, it is low and I am going to start dosing Kalk in a drip tomorrow.
Squid, you are using the "Calcium Pro" test, that is why yours is different. Mine is just plan red sea calcium test.