red slim algae


Active Member
ok what cause this my tank is almost 4 years old and
boom there it is i havent had it since my tank was new, i moved some powerheads around to try to get better use of water flow but not working all that well, its not all over just a few small places but i could see this becoming a problem, nothing in the tank has changed...everything has the same readings as always...thanks


Active Member
red slime remover or chemiclean...those both will take care of it in 4-5days i used red slime remover and its all nothing left of it..


What are your phosphate levels at? Also try sucking it up with a siphon and then leaving the lights off for 2 or 3 days. Leaving the lights off this long will not effect corals. The ocean's not always sunny everyday


Red slime eliminator took care of my slime algea in 2 days. It does lower ph though, so be prepared to buff it back up to where it was before dosing.