Red slime algae


New Member
I have this red slime algae all over my rock. All I know is it is labelled as a nuisance algae but do not know what nuisance it causes. Its a fish only tank so is it harmful . What type of critters or fish should I purchase to gobble it up?


Active Member
It is not really harful other then the fact that it covers your LR and substrate and generally ruins the appearance of your setup.
A quick kill is through the use of an antibiotic due to the fact that red slime is actully a type of bacteria.
The only draw back to this approach is that you will also kill some of the required beneficial bacteria.
Many people have used this method however without any major problems.


Active Member
if you have LR in your tank... it can smother the good stuff that lives on it... the microogansims and coraline algae and what-not.
I had it in my 75 when I first set it up. My LFS sold me penecilin (I think... it was a few years ago). 1 tablet a day for 3 days wiped it out... no problems since, and no adverse side effects to my tank either.


I used a product called red slime remover. It worked great, 3 days and it was all gone. I tried many other ways to get rid of it before medicating. There is no way! It just kept coming back. And it will kill your coraline algae and corals if you don't watch it.