red slime algae


i was wonderig how do i get rid of red slime algae. i know you can buy that red slime killer and i guess it works but is there anything that eats it. and what is the most effective way to get rid of it.


Active Member
the absolute most effective way to get rid of it is to lower your nutrients. weather that means getting rid of some fish in an overstocked tank, feed less, get a skimmer, use RO water, do frequent water changes, or even buy some phosban and replace carbon frequently. haveing realativly new bulbs can help too. jsut as long as they arent super old. you can siphone a lot of it out during water changes and make sure everything listed above is in check and itll go away.


i found my asteria snails ,the big ones ate the slime ,little amounts though.
taking lr out and with a firm brush clean in sw then rinse with fresh sw.
sacrificeing ls to syphon out