Red Slime Algae


New Member
Does anyone know any medicine that will kill or get rid of this red slime in my 65 gal tank. Water changes have been done and all water test check out.


Do a search of the site under "red slime algae".
There are several good threads discussing treatment.
I'm currently having red slime problems myself, but I'm a little reluctant to go the chemical route. I thinks it's better to determine the root cause and correct it.
When you say all your tests are normal, have you tested for phosphate in your water? Are you using tap or RO? I'm currently using tap and I THINK that's my problem.
try half doses of fresh water maracyn without any filter media, then do a 25 % water change after the dose then use carbon to remove the remaining maracyn. It will not harm your reef or critters. Used it several times without any problems.


Active Member
The best thing to get rid of it is chemi-clean. It is reef safe and is very effective, but if you use tap water it will be back.