Red slime attack?

So I guess I got over the diatom bloom and now it has turned into a redish slime? Is this bad? is it just a phase? I am worried about this because I dont know anything about it...


Cynobacteria, is the correct term I am assumming because I do not have a picture. Need to know info regarding your tank.
1. How old is tank, because if it new it may be part of cycling
2. How large is tank?
3. What replacement H20 do you use?
4. How much are you feeding?
5. What are your parameters ie:ph?
6. Lighting.
Cynobacteria can be a battle, but with increased water flow, decreased nutritants and some adjustments you should be able to get it undercontrol.
Originally Posted by cherylann
Cynobacteria, is the correct term I am assumming because I do not have a picture. Need to know info regarding your tank.
1. How old is tank, because if it new it may be part of cycling...2 1/2 months old
2. How large is tank? 55 gallon
3. What replacement H20 do you use?Distilled
4. How much are you feeding?Every other day
5. What are your parameters ie:ph?8.1
6. Lighting...T5 lighting fixture, getting the Current Nova Extreme Pro a little before thanksgiving
Cynobacteria can be a battle, but with increased water flow, decreased nutritants and some adjustments you should be able to get it undercontrol.
I put my anwsers in red..thanks!


Another question...What do you feed? You might want to invest in a phosphate test. You will have to find the problem, but in the mean time you can scoop out as much as possible. If you don't find the reason you have it, it can take over a tank. Left over food in your rocks and sand most of the time is where it starts. How many power heads are you using? It would be best to make sure there are no dead flow spots in your tank. How often are you doing water changes?