Red Slime Bloom


New Member
I have a 46 gal bowfront tank with roughly 45-50 lbs of live rock in the tank, and the tank has been going really well since I set it up in Jan/Feb 2007. About a month and a half ago I had an issue with the water I purchase fron my lfs (I know,
but I can't afford to get the whole ro/di system just yet). The salinity was way too high, almost tripple the amount it should be. Luckily I caught it 2 days after I did my water change and immediatly did a 50% change with fresh RO/DI water. It took about two of these large water changes but the salinity is back to normal. Well with that disaster I lost 3 corals (which the lfs replaced). I consider myself pretty lucky that that is all that happened, however, ever since then I have been batteling a red slime bloom. I have checked my paramiters and all is fine. I have checked the phosphate, and noticed it was a bit higher than should be, so I put in the phosphate remover little pelets in a filter bag in my filter where there is a high flow of water. I have changed all my other filters and have been doing weekly 10% water changes. The phosphate is down now where it should be and every thing else is at 0. Salinity is perfect @ 1.023. I have even cut back the feeding of my fish. What is going on? How do I get rid of this algae? Its becoming a pain where I have to clean it all off the rocks almost every two-three days. Please help!
Here is the specks for my tank that I can remember off the top of my head:
46 gal
36" Coral Life Lunar lights
45-50 lbs of live rock
Red Sea Skimmer
Fluval 2.0/3.0 (can't remember which) filter
2 Power Jets
2 clown fish
1 yellow watchman goby
1 royal gamma
1 cleaner shrimp
1 bubble anemone
1 Mandarin Dragonet
7 soft body corals
15-20 hermit crabs
1 mexican turbo snail
1 queen conch
2 sand burrowing snails (forget their names)
Please help, these stupid red algae is bother me and I am worried it will kill my corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YouMadeMeInk
I have a 46 gal bowfront tank with roughly 45-50 lbs of live rock in the tank, and the tank has been going really well since I set it up in Jan/Feb 2007. About a month and a half ago I had an issue with the water I purchase fron my lfs (I know,
but I can't afford to get the whole ro/di system just yet). The salinity was way too high, almost tripple the amount it should be. Luckily I caught it 2 days after I did my water change and immediatly did a 50% change with fresh RO/DI water. It took about two of these large water changes but the salinity is back to normal. Well with that disaster I lost 3 corals (which the lfs replaced). I consider myself pretty lucky that that is all that happened, however, ever since then I have been batteling a red slime bloom. I have checked my paramiters and all is fine. I have checked the phosphate, and noticed it was a bit higher than should be, so I put in the phosphate remover little pelets in a filter bag in my filter where there is a high flow of water. I have changed all my other filters and have been doing weekly 10% water changes. The phosphate is down now where it should be and every thing else is at 0. Salinity is perfect @ 1.023. I have even cut back the feeding of my fish. What is going on? How do I get rid of this algae? Its becoming a pain where I have to clean it all off the rocks almost every two-three days. Please help!
Here is the specks for my tank that I can remember off the top of my head:
46 gal
36" Coral Life Lunar lights
45-50 lbs of live rock
Red Sea Skimmer
Fluval 2.0/3.0 (can't remember which) filter
2 Power Jets
2 clown fish
1 yellow watchman goby
1 royal gamma
1 cleaner shrimp
1 bubble anemone
1 Mandarin Dragonet
7 soft body corals
15-20 hermit crabs
1 mexican turbo snail
1 queen conch
2 sand burrowing snails (forget their names)
Please help, these stupid red algae is bother me and I am worried it will kill my corals.
Wow...There is a great thread on Red Slime in the archives..Check that out..
I can see a few things that might not be a good fit for the tank right now..Not flaming or anything like that..Prolly not enough Pods for the Madarin..And dont know if that would be enough light for the Anem. either
Check out the FAQ about Red Slime..It is a bear to get rid of..Takes alot of time and patients..unless you pour a ton of chemicals in there...Not the ideal method