Red Slime Problem


Hello everyone. It's been a while since I have visited this website. I have a Red Slime problem. I have treated it with Red Slime Remover many times, but it comes back within 2 weeks or less. I have a 29 gal tank with FOWLR and LS. I have a 2-3 inch base of fine LS, and about 40 lbs of LR. I am also running a mechanical Filter (AquaClear 200) as well as a SeaClone Protien Skimmer. I have 4 fish in the tank currently. I have a Clown, Gramma, Green Chromis, and a Striped Damsel. I have about 10 snails (most didn't make the move
and about 3-4 crabs now. The tank has been set up for about a yr now. Water parameters are within norm. I am using a 25" Flourescent 10K bulb for light and keep it on 10-14 hrs a day.
Just when I think I have gotten rid of the slime, it re-appears on me. Any suggestions would help.


I clicked on that link and it tells me cannot find server. Can you please try to post that link again. Thanks so much.


Staff member
The link that I posted is working. Or you can go directly over to the Reef Forum. It is located in the Info Thread that is a sticky at the top of that forum.