Red Slime Problem


Does anyone know what causes red slime to grow on your LR and LS? I have a 29 gal tank with 3" LS, 45 lbs LR, half dozen crabs and snails, 4 small fish (clown, chromis, damsel, gramma). I am running a Aqua Clear 200 filter, SeaClone 50 Protien Skimmer. Water temp. 78 Deg., SG 1.024, Ammonia, nitrates and nitrates-normal. I have a regular 24" flourescent that is a 10K. Tank has been up for almost a year now.
I have treated this stuff repeatedly, as directed on the bottle, with slime remover, but it always seems to come back within a week or 2. Anyone know how to permanently get rid of it? I have done 2- 25% water changes within a couple of weeks of one another. Using RO/DI water. Any suggestions would really help. Thanks so much.


New Member
I have had this problem lately... just on my sand and overflow im getting a brown flim. I have cut down on feeding and it is still there. I also use ro/di water. I know that a lot of heavy metels promote the growth of algy. I have used chemi-clean and it will get rid of it but it will come back. I am thinking that it is something in the watter that the ro/di isnt removing? I use oceanic salt I dont think that is it. I have a friend who has a nice 25gal reef and he uses my ro water and he has it.....? my tank is 125 with a fuge and a wetdry/skimmer sump. Dosn't phosephates also contribute to algy growth? dose a ro remove those? I am thinking about trating my tank and let all of it die off. then keep treating the ro water with the chemi-clean and seeing if that will do it...


Do you have any powerheads in your tank?
If you don't I would say you need more water flow in your tank. You should have at least 10x turnover in your tank with 15x to 20x being even better. Also make sure you have your powerhead/s pointed in the right directions to avoid any dead spots in your tank. That just takes some experimenting on your part.
So, adding some water flow to your tank would be the first thing I would try.
Also, what kind of clean-up crew do you have?


Active Member
I used to have tat problem on my sand, but a few things that help is powerheads and also, when you do water changes use a sifter syphin(i dont think i spelled that right), so that it stirs up the sand. another thing is that it will go away naturally, I've had my tank for about 5 months and it just went away like a month and a half ago, and hasnt shown up again.


New Member
I have had min running at this place for almost a year and I have had it for 3 years I have always had this problem. I have a 700 gph rio in one end a 300 gph in the outher and a 175 in the middle and a 250 sorta in the middle. there on a wave maker two on at a time for an houre to 15 min.... I dont think thats it. my tank is a 125 and in the sump I have a 1200 so thats 10x right there. and no its no where near a window.


New Member
i just finished the link to justin's post i am going with thw 5% a week and the adjusting my lights antics for 8H and Aqua suns for 6? I think That should do it. we will see. thanks alot guys


I am running a maxi jet 900 in the left corner and have it angled in an upward direction to the other corner. Also, I have flow from the Aqua Clear 200 filter, and Seaclone Protein Skimmer. So, I am not sure that water flow is an issue here. It is only a 29 gal tank. Not real big. I checked out the post and thank you.