red slime remover


ok so i treated my tank wioth red slime remover. did exactly what they said. its my first treatment and nothign happened at all.... what shoudl i do.... i was goign to do the 20% waterchange and treat all over again today? what do you think?


Active Member
I have read that red slime remover is a dangerous product to use because it can kill your beneficial bacteria


Originally Posted by anamilasti
ok so i treated my tank wioth red slime remover. did exactly what they said. its my first treatment and nothign happened at all.... what shoudl i do.... i was goign to do the 20% waterchange and treat all over again today? what do you think?
or get a Goby-LOL this little guy has been the best addition-with the exception of him constantly making new homes every five freaking seconds under my live rock. It doesn't solve the issue but boy does he clean! almost all my redslime is gone off the bottom. Just a little on the sides of the glass. Also try getting more flow to your tank. So I've been told you should have a lot of water flow-15x your tank size. I only have 600G/H going in mine and need to get 2 more power heads-so get more flow-they say the stuff can't grow if there is a strong current through your tank.


Active Member
What is causing your cyanobacteria. What is your turnover rate? Every tank has small levels of cyano but certain conditions allow it to bloom and thrive. It's important to recognize why it is there and make the appropriate changes.


Originally Posted by earlybird
What is causing your cyanobacteria. What is your turnover rate? Every tank has small levels of cyano but certain conditions allow it to bloom and thrive. It's important to recognize why it is there and make the appropriate changes.
A sensible post!
You need to research what cyanobacteria is and what causes it and find out why its happening in your tank.
Don't just treat the symptoms, find out the cause and eliminate it from your tank.
Many folks happy to help, Run down your system specs for us and we will offer suggestions that may help.


Active Member
i'd agree with finding out WHY you're getting it. redslime remover will NOT kill off your beneficial bacteria but it will get removed from your water by your skimmer plus it will screw around with your pH.
as a last resort i used it (and i mean LAST resort) and it worked ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jessi P
Hey Ren how did things work out with the magnets? Just sitting here looking at my PHs...
Jessi did you get them too? I haven't attached mine to the PH's yet but am afraid that I won't be able to hold them tight enough when sandwitching the glass with the PH and magnet. I'm afraid that I might let go or it might slip and bust my glass. Man those things are strong.

jessi p

I was waiting for Ren to let us know how he fares with his magnet experiment before ordering mine. Did you get yours from gaussboys? Are you planning to use silicone/epoxy or superglue?


Active Member
Yeah from gaussboys. They came real fast. I'm going to try to silicone but I'm still setting up and it won't be for at least a week.