red slime


Active Member
I just started to have this problem I think I know what caused it but the question is can it go away without using chemicals I really do not want to use them if I don't have to but it is still spreading and also this is the first time I had this out of my 2 tanks so not quite sure on what to do


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ibew
I just started to have this problem I think I know what caused it but the question is can it go away without using chemicals I really do not want to use them if I don't have to but it is still spreading and also this is the first time I had this out of my 2 tanks so not quite sure on what to do
I tried to wait it out and finally did chemicals. I use chempure red aglea remover, turned off the pumps and turkey bastered half the needed amount right on the bad spots. Let sit for 10 minutes and then started take up.
Next afternon my sand was great. Hasn't come back yet.


Active Member
thought there would be more suggestions on this subject if at all possible would like to here some knowledgeable experenice on this subject thankyou Jeremy


Originally Posted by Ibew
thought there would be more suggestions on this subject if at all possible would like to here some knowledgeable experenice on this subject thankyou Jeremy

Put a powerhead right above your sandbed so that these nutrients do sit on the top. Better chance of these nutrients getting pulled into your filter or skimmer


Originally Posted by Ibew
its also on the LR to not just the sand bed

what are your params?
what type of water and salt do you use?
how often do you do water changes?


Active Member
nirate o
nirtite 0
amonia 0
ph 8.2
cal 450
salinity 1.025
ive gotten lazy and started topping off with tap when I run out of Ro
I use instant ocean
once a week 5 gal


Active Member
when I purchased tank in april last year was a fish only had crushed coral this than basically started redoing the whoole thing into a reef in the mean time I had a hang on the bak fuge on and a few PH I also put 100 Lr in there in september and about 40 lbs LS got a small clean up crew that could be one problem the other was the tap water and one more is I know Im not getting the turns I need so I ordered a mag 7 and got a overflow rated at 600 gph and also got a sump also I havent run a skiimer ever but every time I tested water is perfect I don't know if the miricle mud and micro in the fuge is keeping it all in check but anyway is there something that skimmers pull out that is related to this problem


Active Member
since I have used tap water should I start doing more frequent water changes I do one once a week this problem is a week old but is getting bad fast


Active Member
circulation helps alot you will be surprised what happens if you increase your circulation (dont go overboard quickly otherwise coral and inverts will struggle) but you should test for phosphates if you read anything with a refugium you may have more of a phosphate problem than the test shows because phosphates get used quickly by algae and other stuff


The tap water is a big NO NO.
You are just fueling the cyano!
Use r.o and increase your water circulation (no dead spots).
Your lighting maybe old and in need of replacing.
Feed your tank less til get the cyano under control.
The chemi-clean is a temporary fix at best.


Active Member
whats up fishcake good to here from you
lighting is only 3 months old 200 watts of PC
I was an idiot for toppin off with tap and haven't since the breakout
I feed very little and even dropped less since the breakout
are you recommending using chemicals


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
circulation helps alot you will be surprised what happens if you increase your circulation (dont go overboard quickly otherwise coral and inverts will struggle) but you should test for phosphates if you read anything with a refugium you may have more of a phosphate problem than the test shows because phosphates get used quickly by algae and other stuff
if phosphates are a problem is there anything I can do to bring them down haven't tested for them but will go get a test kit


Phosphates are bad Especially since they inhibit calcification in corals and corraline.
first... Stop using tap.
Increase your skimming and Water changes with r.o.
And get that test kit a.s.a.p
I don't recommend chemical treatment.


Active Member
there isn't a skimmer on this tank at this point can it help in this situation and how if all other water conditions are very well does a skimmer pull out phosphates also if phosphates are the problem do you remove them or lower the level by water changes or something else also say that isn't the problem it is the water flow and I increase it to a very sufficient amount (which I am by this weekand) will this problem go away on its own


Active Member
also may clean up crew consists of a very large sally lightfoot 2 shrimp one pep nad a fire 7 astera snails 8 blue legs 3 scarlets maybe 2 nassarius and a sand cucumber is that enough or not


A skimmer is definaetly going to help this situation
by removing Dissolved organics compounds(docs).
Which is helping the cyano.
Buy one!