red slime ??


i have read some of the other posts on this subject. i have read that it is because of high phosphates or poor circulation. i have a 125 gal. setup and a 55 gal. i am not getting this problem in my 55 gal. so is it safe to assume that the water quality is not the problem. the 125 only has 2 powerheads at the moment. one is 230gph and the other is 370 gph. what is the proper amount of gph i need for the 125?? and what is the best way to situate them in the tank?? thanks in advance for all your help!!!!!


Active Member
what type of tank is the 125 fo, reef and i dont understand your other ? does one of your tanks have red slime or what is the ?


sorry. the 125 is fowlr. have 4"ls and about 40#lr. just bursa trigger and chainlink eel in there right now. the 55 is going to be reef. 3"ls and 10#lr and a carpet anemone and few snails and crabs in that one a the moment. im only getting the red slime in the 125 on the sand, rock, and glass. im using the same water for both tanks, so do you think the problem is just not enough circulation in the 125? thanks again.