red slime


New Member
Transferred 55 gal to 125 gal one month ago. Now have heavy red slime with air bubbles growth. Treated it twice with antired, but keeps coming back. Help!!!! How do I get rid of it. Also alkalinity was down (140) and doing drips to correct that. :mad:
WELCOME to the BB!
In the interest of time due to a hugemongous storm rolling in at the moment which is sure to cause yet another power outage, let me tell you briefly...
This subject has been discussed EXTENSIVELY in the past. Since you are new to our BB, you may not know that there is a fabulous "search" feature here that you can utilize at any time to locate pages and pages and pages of info on whatever subject you entered. Give it a try for the red slime problem and you'll be amazed at the volume of excellent info available on this topic right here on our BB.
I wish you great success in resolving your problem!


New Member
Thanks so much. I did what you said and found alot of helpful information. As a new user I had no idea about the search. It's great! Thanks again. :D