red spot on clownfish's mouth


one of my percs has a red spot under his mouth - he seems to be unable to close his mouth also, but can still eat (not so well). i noticed it about 4 days ago, and it hasn't grown since, but it does not look good at all. levels and other fish are all great...he's my very first fish - i don't want to lose him :( can anyone help?


Staff member
Is it getting worse? Do you have a hospital tank? What type tank do you have?


i have a 150 gal fo tank. all levels 0, (trace of nitrate) the only thing found to be high in our tank is phosphates. it isn't crowded, he is not picked on. i do have a sf eel, but have never seen him bite a thing. it looks like a sore, and is not getting noticeably worse, but now i noticed today that he is hanging around the top of the tank. he did eat last night, but he isn't opening and closing his mouth - it just hangs open. poor thing...


i do have another tank, but it has a few hermits and a purple lobster (that i'll never catch!), so if i have to medicate, would that hurt them? do you have any idea what this might be?