Red starfish losing leg?


We have 2 small red starfish (not sure what their 'real' name is and I can't find a match here) We've only had them a couple weeks. Anyway, the larger of the 2 had a small hole just off center when we bought it. LFS dude didn't seem concerned about it.
Well just tonight it looks like this leg is going to fall off. The hole has turned into something more like a cut...but it looks 'normal' It actually looks like it might split it half. Can that happen?!?!??
Thanks for any advice/help! :)


Active Member
It is most likely acclimation shock (though I won't ruled anything out unless I say a picture and new the species), and there is usually little that can be done. The species is probably Fromia milleporella, and they need a large mature reef tank with pristine water conditions, no less than 6 months old, IMO. Specific gravity is crucial - 1.025-1.026 is really necessary as is a long (several hour) drip acclimation. Sounds like it was doomed at the LFS. Never purchase a seastar with any hole or anything like that.
If this is in a tank with ideal conditions, loads of LR (probably around 100lbs minimum - for 2 probably more), then there is a chance it can recover but not usually. Most Fromia and other reef safe stars starve to death in 9-12 months in smaller systems, or die within the first month from acclimation shock.
Sorry. A picture would really help. But more commonly they are dying and not reproducing.