I have noticed some red stuff in or on my sand. Seems to be around the front and sides next to the glass. No more than an inch down. Is this some kind of algae?
sounds like cyno...red slime. Can be caused by to much light, not enough water flow, to many nutrients in the water. check your parameters...I used chemi clean red slime remover. It may not be the best choice but it was the only thing that worked for me.
Get some red slime remover, made by "Ultra Life." It works wonders, just make sure you do a water change around 24hrs after. Its great, you can watch it melt away. Good Luck!
Originally Posted by mushroomss
i would reccomend taking a syphon and sucking it off.You can get rid of it and do a water change at the same time.
no it will just come back...chemi clean works like a dream. I only had to use a little itty bitty bit ( I mean like less than a pinch). I did that once and the next day it was gone. I haven't seen any since.