Red-Tail Trigger


New Member
I'm about to Upgrade from a 29 gallon Nano to a 90 gallon. I would really like to get a Red-Tail Trigger,however, I currently have two small black and white ocellaris clowns and a bunch of snails and Hermit Crabs. I was also considering getting a Powder Brown Tang. Do these others stand any chance of survival? I was also thinking about running the tank with everything but the trigger for and year or so and then adding it. Will that matter?


The red tail trigger fish also known as the sargassum is the most reef safe trigger. Mine doesn't bother any fish at all and has never touched any snails or hermit crabs. Perfectly peaceful. I say go for it.


Active Member
Yep, mine is the same as --'s, they don't live on the reef typically, so in the wild they don't depend on inverts in their diet, mine hangs out at the top of the tank....It is a trigger though, so no 100% guarantees.


Active Member
I'm going to be the nasty one here and advise against it, at least the whole plan. While there are some smaller Red Tails, most come in at least 4" or 5". At that size, a 90gal is sort of small. The Red Tail and related speices of Triggers are really active swimmers once they become established, and especially as they grow.
If you plan to upgrade some time down the road, it could work. Triggers aren't the fastest growing fish, so you could house one for some time. I would definitely say to wait on the Powder Brown Tang till you have a bigger tank though, and strongly encourage you to set up a quarantine tank.


Not trigger related but personally I would not put a powder brown tang in a 90gal. I have a powder blue and this guy likes to swim, a lot! Sometimes I think even the 150gal I have is too small. Maybe you can get another kind of tang for the 90, maybe a yellow tang.