Red velvet on Overflow plastic


I have had my tank up for approx 4 months now, and have started seeing mroe and more red circles showing up on the plastic baffel for my overflow in my drilled 72 bow. I have small eraser head circles of coraline starting, but these are dime to quarter size.
The red circles are somewhat velvet(ie) looking. Not sure if it's Cyno, or RedSlime algea, or what..
any ideas on what it may be, and how to get rid of it.
I do weekly 10% water changes.. use b-ionic and tropic salt. My levels are in check.. 0 if not 0 on trites/trates/ammon
I'm feeding Cyclo and Rod's Food. with some flakes here and there, and freezedried brine for my 2 percs and chromis. I have several frags in there.. all livestock is doing fine, only showing up on black plastic. (and it's not coraline )


touch that area there are many types of coraline and vary in color if its hard like coraline I would worry about it because it will evenutally die off or be covered up by the purple coraline algae.


some of my LR has that type of coraline on it, looks like red velvet cake.. I'll touch this stuff and see if it's hard, or slimy..
here goes nothing..