red worm?


New Member
I was cleaning the tank yesterday moving some sand and crushed coral around on the bottom and this red worm looking thing came out. It was moving around and then it dug itself back into the sand. It almost looks like a starfish leg. It's only maybe a 1/2 inch long. Does anyone have any idea what it is? Is this something bad that I need to go find again and get it out? I also took out my plants to clean and in the water as I was rinsing them off was another kind of worm. This one was clear and looked like it had legs everywhere. Is my tank just worm infested or is this normal? I would probably be amazed what I have growing in there if I really looked under everything but that would be a chore. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!! :rolleyes:


My best guess for the worm with a lot of legs coming out of it would be a Spaghetti worm. Most worms you find in your substrate are benefical to your aquarium. It is a good sign not a bad one. HTH