red worms every where


Active Member
What kind of red worms are they? Are they flat worms or typical shaped worms?


New Member
If they are indeed flatworms, this is an excellent opportunity to keep a mandarin alive, fat & HAPPY until it eats them all. 6 line wrasse & any hawkfish dine on these critters too.


New Member
Once an evil evil arrow crab ate my 3 Sexy shrimp in one evening. Revenge was sweet :)
The reason I suggest fish as a cure is that myself & a friend had what you would refer to as a "controlled" flatworm infestation. More of an experiment, we were able to keep a colony of flatworms alive in both of our tanks by placing a fist sized piece of rock against the glass with the flatworms growing on the glass agaisnt it. As soon as they reproduced beyond the shelter of the rock, my 6 line wrasse & his arceye hawkfish would devour them. About a week later while at a LFS, I spied a sad, skinny mandarin & convinced them to let me take it home for free & see if i could nurse it back to health. It would have died in another 2 weeks so they said what the hell & let me have it, since it was so skinny & ugly nobody was going to buy it.
I put the mandarin & my tank & it gravitated to the rock against the glass. Since it was approx 3x longer than my 6 line, the wrasse was sufficiently intimidated to move away & let the mandarin have at it. The mandarin Chowed Down on flatworms for days. After 2 weeks it had gotten its belly back & looked really nice. Too bad for me that my roomated cleaned the glass & moved the flatworm sanctuary rock away from the glass. I got home from work that night & all the worms were gone, the mandarin pecking aroung my tiny 15 gallon tank looking really dijected.
I called my friend, told him what happened & he moved his wormhaven away from the glass. The next morning all of the flatworms were gone.
Arceye hawkfish, 6 line wrasses & mandarin gobys eat flatworms. I seen it with my own eyes. Arrow crabs will kill & eat your small shrimp, I've seen that too.
I returned the mandarin to the LFS & I'm sure they sold to to someone who watched it starve to death over the course of a month.