redish alge


New Member
Hello all I am new at this and I have a problem. I have redish alge growing all over my lr and cc its not slim. I was told the it was bad. how can i get rid of it? Please and sugestions will hep!
35gal sw tank
2 1/2 in cc
25lbs lr
3 damsels
1 turbo smail
1 yellow Tang,
1 panther grouper.
eclipes3 filter
1 fluval3
1 power head


Active Member
Do you know how big a panther Grouper grows - in a word HUGE.
Also the yellow Tang won't do well in a 35G I wouldn't think.
Any pictures of the algae?
What filteration of you tap water if any do you do? How often do you do water changes? Do you have what they call a cleanup crew (snails & crabs)? They say that you should have at least 1 snail or crab per 1 gallon water. How long has your tank been set up?


New Member
my tank is about 6 months old I use tapwater I put chemicals in it to take out metals is there anything else i should put in? I am going to get some slails and crabs this weekend how many should i get and what kind? I change water once a month. my last water change was two weeks from the pic. the alge gooks alittle green in the pic but it is a redish brown. where would i find ro water?


Active Member
You change your water once a month - how much do you change?
Have you done a phosphate test, this causes algae aswell as nitrates.
Do you intend to keep those fish in a 35 G tank?
I would say that your phosphates are through the roof from water changes with tap water. If I was you I would either buy a RO/DI filter or try and find someone from near you and see if you can get water from them. You might also try your LFS and see if they have RO/DI water. If you have struck out with all of these the last thing to try is your local grocery store. If they have one of those water stations that you can fill water jugs for drinking you can get it from there, just check if it says that the water is filtered with a RO/DI unit. The one problem with all of these is you will never know how old the filters are and if you are paying for water that was filtered with old filters.
Good luck


What kind of lighting do you have, more specifically, what wattage, brand bulb, Kelvin range and age of the bulbs.


New Member
i have 2 18w bulds i think they are made by powergloe or grow or something like that. I have the eclips 3 hood I am looking to get some kind of conversion kit so i could put 55watt bulds in. my bulds are a couple of years old (how long do they last?) How do I check for phospates (just go to lfs and get a test kit right?)Iam sorry I am realy new @ this what is kelvin? Sofar am loving the hobby, saltwater rocks!
Yes i planed on keeping the 3 damsils, yellow tang, and panther grouper, is that to many fish?
thanx again for all your help


Well, you may have light bulbs that are inappropriate for saltwater. Saltwater bulbs are a higher Kelvin rating. Kelvin is the color "temperature" of the bulb. The higher the Kelvin, the more "white" the light is, lower Kelvin is yellowish. A popular Kelvin rating in saltwater is 10,000K. Coralife makes a 10,000K bulb that does a good job. Since you have space for 2 bulbs, you may want to use one Actinic bulb, and one 10,000K. The reason I asked about your bulbs is that if you have the wrong Kelvin you will encourage the growth of nuisance algae over desirable algae (coralline). If you get the correct Kelvin rating it will definitely help get rid of your red algae(cyanobacteria) and make the corraline algae grow better. BTW, fluorescent bulbs put out desirable light for up to a year, then they start to shift their spectrum to an undesirable one. They still light just fine, it's just not the light you want. Compact fluorescent do reach up to 18 months before they shift spectrum significantly. Good luck, HTH.


Active Member
Here is a pic and description of Panther Grouper:
The Panther grouper is another predatory fish that should be fed meaty foods and live fish. Don't keep this fish with smaller fish like Damsels and small clowns unless they are intended as a meal! The Panther grouper will reach 20 inches in length in the wild and are suitable for large aquariums only.



I used to have a panther gruper, it looked so little and cool when I bought it. The problem is that little one got REALLY BIG and I had not other choice but to give it away to one of my friends. I have a 55g


New Member
Thanx for all yor help everyone I will be getting new lights this weekend !! And hopefuly a good cleanup crew. Thanx for the advise about the panther grouper I may have to get rid of him soon.
Thanx again