Redness on my fish


Don't know if this is serious or not but thought I'd check it out. I have a yellow coris wrasse that I brought home 2 weeks ago and is still in my QT tank swimming and eating normally. However I noticed a redish area, almost like a rash, not to big on my fish just posterior and dorsal to the gills. Noticed it a couple days ago and it hasn't improved or gotten worse. Tank conditions are:
AMM= 0, NO3 = 5, NO2 = 0.1, pH = 8.1, salt = 1.024, temp = 78
Want to know if it is anything serious and if so, what med to use


Staff member
Any nitrite in the tank could cause this. You need to do maintenance and water changes until you get rid of nitrite. Otherwise, this could develop into a more serious situation.