Don't know if this is serious or not but thought I'd check it out. I have a yellow coris wrasse that I brought home 2 weeks ago and is still in my QT tank swimming and eating normally. However I noticed a redish area, almost like a rash, not to big on my fish just posterior and dorsal to the gills. Noticed it a couple days ago and it hasn't improved or gotten worse. Tank conditions are:
AMM= 0, NO3 = 5, NO2 = 0.1, pH = 8.1, salt = 1.024, temp = 78
Want to know if it is anything serious and if so, what med to use
AMM= 0, NO3 = 5, NO2 = 0.1, pH = 8.1, salt = 1.024, temp = 78
Want to know if it is anything serious and if so, what med to use