Redness on tang


Just notice my yellow tang is slightly red in its back area. I think this might be a bacterial infect. Do I need to put fish in qt to treat this or can I treat whole tank. 135 gal all water params are good trate 20 a-0 ph8.3 trite0salin.1.23 temp 80 I just lost my star fish today. He looked like he was eaten up but nothing in there can eat him. Lawnmower blenn, 3 clowns, and yellow tang. Varios hermit crabs and snails. The reddness is not real bad but I am just now noticing it. What is the best way to treat this. She had balc ick a month ago but got rid of it by doing a formulin dip. hasn't been back since. Thanks for the help


Active Member
It's definitely something you should treat in a QT. I believe you're right about it being a bacterial infection. I would put the tang in a QT and treat him/her with some sort of antibiotic. I used Maracyn-Two on my bloated firefish and he seems fine now (internal bacterial infection). However, I'm not the medication expert around here. Perhaps you should try doing a search on the exact medication to use. I hope your tang will be alright. :)


Hey lefty thanks for the response. Actually I think it was the lighting and just worrying myself into seeing something cause later that day upon closer inspection there was no redness and she looked normal. By the way what part of WA are you from. I grew up in Spokane and Tri-Cities. Thanks John


Active Member
Lol, I've given myself a few "false alarms" as well. Just today I saw one of my clownfish swimming sideways and freaked out. Turns out she was just swimming into the current of the PH and it was blowing her sideways...:D
I'm in Wenatchee. :)