Redoing my tank


New Member
I have some questions some have been answerd and others i'm confused with, taking undergravel plates out in 125g tank have skimmer and 4 power heads and 2 whispers filters i guess my whispers i wont need i have cc for a base,that has to come out no live rock but would like to put some in, 4 fish and 2 snails would i have to buy a u.v. system or not and how much live and dead sand should i start out with and when i did put sand in how soon could i put in the lr ????

mr . salty

Active Member
How much live sand???As much as you can afford.The more LIVE sand you use,the less the chance of your tank recycling.For a DEEP sand bed you will need about 100-150lbs of wet/live sand.I have 160lbs in my 130gallon tank,and it measures an adverage of 4 inches...You do not HAVE to have a UV.But many people do use them.I do,and love it...


Active Member
i agree with the sand, and for the uv, no you do not need one, like said, but some do like them, and others do not(like me)
as for the rock, afteryo are sure there is no recycle and it re stabilizes, then you cna start to add lr, i would only add a couple of lbs of well cured lr to an established tank at a time, and wati at week or 2 in between, just to make sure you do not have any probs, like an ammonia spike


Active Member
You should try to find a LPS that has Live Rock - that way you could buy and build your tank a piece at a time. This would keep you from a dangerous ammonia spike (you have two filters and a 125 gal tank) and you can put 10 lbs at a time.
I would start by replacing that substrate.
I am not a real Live Rock fan for a fish only tank. What to do if your tank gets ick and you have 10 fish? How do you treat them? With your two filters and a DSB you could treat your fish in the display tank.


Active Member
that is easy, youquarentine and perofrm hyposalinity, you SHOULD have a quarentine tank anyhow, so this is real easy to do
and even with a dsb, you should still quarentine and do hypo, you should not use copper or hypo in any tank, your clean up crew cna't take it very well,a nd the sand willl trap the meds too
besides, copper is toxic in any case, even to the fishes :D