RedSea Berlin skimmer


Active Member
Some may remember that I had a problem w/ my Turbo hang on skimmer. I contacted red sea and they sent me another motor and impreller. Two months later I'm having the same problem. Not enough power coming from the motor/impreller to generate the right consistancy of bubbles and foam. All it does is create bubbles that don't get to the green foam stage. I had it for 7 months and it worked great. Ever since then it's not worked properly even after replacing motor/impreller.
This product is really awful and I'm wondering if others have had my experience or can suggest what to do next.
Frustrated and need help.
Yes I have this problem but not with the Berlin. I bought the Red Sea Prizm skimmer and I hate the damn thing so much. It worked fine when I got it but now it is a Bi*ch.
It is very loud.
Trying to get the waterflow just right is a pain because it is either circulating too fast and the foom fills the scum cup with just pure water no waste or it goes so slow no scum is collected and the intake tube fills with air.
I hate it and do not recamend it to anyone.


Active Member
Are you talikng about the Prizim or the Berlin classic hang on? If it is the Classic, Have you checked your air inlet tube? That can cause problems. I have never had problems with my berlin skimmer so I can not offer too much advise on this topic...
Most tanks do slow down the skimming after a while due to the fact the protein builds up fast at first but once removed has to build back up to be removed again.
Good Luck
wamp has it right. my berlin h.o. has reduced bubbles currently. a few months ago, i removed it from the tank and had to tear it down and clear out the scum/sludge buildup that had blocked the air inlet. also, the air inlet will clog because of the dust that is in the air. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />

nm reef

Active Member
Just a little tip for keeping the air inlet clear.....I use a CPR BacPac 2r (currently on my fish only) and about once a month a take about a cup of hot water and suck the water thru the air inlet to clear it out and keep bubble production high. I'm not familiar with either of the skimmers mentioned above but I believe they work about the same as the CPR.
I just remove the valve adjustment screw from the air line and place the open line inside the hot water.......instead of air it will suction the water and clear the system out thus producing more bubbles. Works great for keeping my skimmer working.....been skimming non stop for 18 plus months now. :cool:


I don't have the HO model but I have the Berlin Classic Turbo in my sump. I had two problems with it during the past 2 years of owning it. First, the impeller broke and wasn't putting any air bubbles into the water. I called RedSea and they sent me a "redesigned" impeller. It had abouot twice the number of flanges and it works great!
Then I had the airdraw tube get clogged. It took me too long to figure out what was wrong but my motor kept blowing the tube off of itself and I couldn't figure out why. I replaced the tube with new tubing and everything is working A-1 again. I really like the skimmer and would recommend it.


Active Member
As stated I have the "Turbo" hang on and its awful. I certainly would not recommend it to anyone.
I've tried everything suggested and more . Nothing works. The bubbles produced have non consistency to them and thus don't produce any waste. It all has to do with the lack of power being generated from the motor/impreller. The "new and improved " impreller is also not the answer.I do have other skimmers on other tanks and it's amazing but my seaclone works better than the berlin for about 1/3 the price!!
Quite frustrated especially since I now have sent them another e-mail and they have not responded. By the way the red sea company has admitted that they had a defect in their imprellers and that anyone who calls or emails would get another one.
They should offer to replace any impreller by advising customers through advertisements, magazine alert, LFS and catelog mailing notices etc. They've chosen not to do that. Tells you something about the company and their commitment to customers and quality. If it were a car they would have to notify everyone to the best of their ability or at least try.
I will never buy or recommend another red sea product again.